Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Being a Girl A Blessing or A Curse ???

After reading the title, many of you might think ...What a weirdo!!!

I am sure each one of us would have thought this at least once in the life if being a girl a blessing or a curse ... !!! I myself have thought this multiple times in my life, my life hasn't been easy too.

I want to just say ... This independence day let's be free ... free not from our responsibilities, not from our families, not from our job's or whatever we like doing, but free in our thoughts ...

Let's give a girl an ineluctable freedom ... 
Freedom to Breath, to Smile, to Live ...
Freedom to study, 
Freedom to speak her mind,
Freedom to choose her partner,  
Freedom to roam around the world with dignity, without any fear of someone chasing her, 
Freedom to unveil, to glorify, to show the world her beauty, Freedom to take her own decisions, 
Freedom to think, think what she is, what she can be ...

Our life starts with a woman, if there is no woman, there is no man in the world too.
Let's rethink and start respecting a women for what she is.

Share your experiences on my blog post ...when you thought this ... being a girl a blessing or a curse ... Simply login with your gmail id to post a comment ....!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Necessity to educate our kids on Child Abuse and Molestation

I think, All of us keep hearing some or other bad news on young girls being raped/abused/molested with their age still being in the single digit. They have not even known or understood what has happened with them. These kids are in pain like eternity has fallen apart into darkness. The trauma these young kids suffer with, memories of which haunts them day and night, all the moments of their upcoming life, do you think you could save them from all this?

We are the society, we make the society, we all know that these children are innocent, they are not at fault at all, despite of knowing every thing, we do not accept them. We treat them badly, ignore them, exclude them from us and they never want to become one of us for their rest of the life.

It's easier to teach a kid by a kid because they imitate each other ...

Let's start a new day today and save our kids from each bit of Abuse/molestation. Let's stood by them and safeguard them each moment by educating them with these basics so that they would know when to say "NO". Let's become friends with them so that they would be able to share everything with us.