Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hampi - Diamond Trade Center

Hampi, Karnataka state, India, was a Diamond Trade Center.

Hampi was built in 1336 in dravidian style, last capital of Vijayanagar. I still need to learn the difference between the different style of architectures from history. But i could say dravidian style consists primarily of pyramid shaped temples and buildings which have intricate carvings on stones including kings, dancers, deities or warriors. It is said to be originated from Tamilnadu and is called kovils.

Many people say that city is comprised of ruin buildings but from my imaginary eyes, i could see that it would been have been one of most grandiose, austere, delightful and enriched sites when it was built. Inspite of the ruins, the building exists in their new and well established state.

During ancient times, Hampi had been a thriving commercial center, with the trade of horses and gems (emarland, rubies, diamonds and many more).

Imagine, valuable things like diamonds ( caret < 34) and other precious stones were sold openly in the area outside the temples, palaces et cetera. Diamonds > 34 were given to king as royalty by the nobles who were given the mining rights.

The main street selling diamonds and other precious stones, was surprisingly called Pan Supaari Street.

I could see the trade areas outside many buildings in Hampi but am not quite aware of the diamond mining stuff. Probably that used to happen in the other side of area after crossing the tungbhadra river. There we could see only the mountains built of rock sized stones.

Related Post :
A Memorable Experience to Hampi (Part - I)

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