Sunday, April 3, 2016

A broken heart or A fairytale ???

Love ... Most fascinated and most discussed topic on the earth ... Every one ... yes, it's everyone, not only human beings, but, every living creature on earth wants to be in love for once or for forever.

Most beautiful and the worst thing in the world would be to experience the love ever ... It works like a magic, inspire you in either direction, it can turn you in the most amazing personality or a monster.

I am often flabbergasted on the versatility of human emotional behavior to react on different situations when it comes to love and I am amazed with the fact that how many distinct shades of emotions a human can showcase.

Some people fall in love on the first sight and some people spent their entire life together trying to find love and they never get it,
Some people are lucky enough to find their soul mate and some people's soul longs and crave to feel the love that can make them complete,
Some people sacrifice everything they have for their love and some people just get it for free without putting any efforts.

Everyone has their own version of the fairy tale. For some, fairy tale only limits to one's dream and reality is harsh enough to make them believe and baffle on their destiny throughout their life. Some, live the Fairy tale as part of their every day's life and they smile, laugh and mesmerize on the beauty of love.

Love ... It is such a strong force which can transform you completely into a person who thinks positively, always witty, joyous and full of life and you walk on a path of success, nourishment and enrichment and if it turns out on the negative notes, everyone has observed, that wars have been fought for love, people kill each other for love, you walk on the path of hatred, envy, jealousy and one word - disaster.

Some people are strong enough to live their lives even when they lose the love of their life and some loose the hope to live without them. I often wonder, from where these people bring this courage, emotional stability and strength to move in their life and find a new enlighten way to make something better out of this beautiful life even when their fate has been so harsh with them where as Some capture themselves in the darkness of the worse, as they walk into this darkness, they suffocate, suffer, strangle and become as blind as the darkness. They are simply lost on the journey of love.

I ponder over this question for long if it's just the destiny that differentiate the dreams of people or is it something else? What is this force that drives us to do things beyond our imagination?

Why would someone's emotions reach to these extreme levels ? Why this discrimination exists in the feelings? Why we don't we have the enough guidance to conquest our own sentiments?

And my favorite question, why everyone doesn't get a chance to taste the divine fruit of love ?? Why this inequality ?

I can just hope that there comes a day when everyone has the support system that comes from a lover, someone who will always be there for you, no matter when you rise or fall !!!

1 comment :

  1. Beautiful!!
    Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprision it, it enslave us.

    When we try to understand it , it leaves us feeling lost and confused. 💕
