Thursday, August 14, 2014

I see you in my eyes ...

I am in love with you,
I say this and I smile,
I meet my own eyes in the mirror, I shy,
I shy away from your image in my eyes,
I hide my face in my hands, as if you are looking at me,

I can feel my heart beats running faster now, 
I can feel my breath getting heavier,
I can feel those cold shivers in my body,
I can feel your arms around my shoulders,

I close my eyes and i still see you
I see you in my dreams,
I see you everywhere, in every corner of my heart,
I feel you everywhere, in this air,
I feel you within me, taking me away from myself

I want to stop you,
I want to run away from you, 
I resent, I suffer, I repel,
I burn in agony of your imaginary existence,
I feel awkward in my own silence,

I promised not to say this again, But,
I want to tell you some day, that,
I am still in love with you,
I have always been in love with you,

I look back in the mirror, I smile,
I still see you in my eyes !!!

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