Thursday, August 21, 2014

Who Am I ?

You have taken my soul with you,
leaving nothing behind in me,
leaving me colorless, with no beauty,
leaving me dumbfounded, clueless,

Yes, am alive,

Yes, am breathing,
Yes, I walk and i talk,
Yes, i do all what i am expected to do,

But, Something has changed in me,

I am not the same person i used to be,
I am different,
I was someone who would say,
I am the way i am, and,
I will not change myself for anyone,
Then, who am i ?
I do not recognize me any more,

I was some body else,

She used to smile, always,
She would burst into laughter on small things,
She would imagine silly things and smile on them,
She loved to build up stories on any topic in the world,
She loved to write,
She loved to dress up,
She was passionate about whatever she does,
She was ambitious and had the willpower to fulfill them,
Then, who am i ?

You not only took my soul from me,

You have taken my heart,
You have taken everything, I had,
My dreams, my passions, my ambitions,
I am no more me,
I am image of someone else !!!

1 comment :

  1. Deepali, is it you.........I am surprised to read this poem and it is very true........
