Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Speechless !!!

Jaan, I want to say something to you,
I know exactly what i want to say,
I know what i am feeling right now,
I have known these feeling for long time, But,
I could never find the right words to express my feelings,

Feelings that I and you share together,
Feelings of love & care, affection & obsession, possessiveness & freedom,
Feelings that make our relation stronger than ever,

I know what you want to ask, why ?
Why i need the words now,
When feelings says it all.

Feelings which have always been here,
In each and every action of mine,
But, could never reach my lips,
Though you keep telling me the same effortlessly,
Countless number of times a day,
I could never say it,
Words always freeze in my mouth, and,
I just hear a blow of air coming from my mouth,
Bewildering on my own behavior,
I am always in search of right words,
Words that can touch the depth of my feelings for you,

How many times, I just say 'Jaan', and,
I start looking at your face,
Without making a moment of delay,
You simply acknowledge me with 'haan jaan',
Like you understand my struggle to say this,
Your eyes showing enormous love for me,
You empathizing me on my inability to say this,
You smile and distract me with my thoughts,

Today with all my efforts, i want to say,
Jaan, I love you, in all the way i can love you.
Each moment of my life is meant to love you,
I don't know anything now but to love you,
Jaan, if you deep dive in my heart,
you will find only you.
Since the moment i met you and till my last breath,
I love you and i will love you.

Monday, April 20, 2015

You are mine ... !!!

O my beloved, You are my world to me,
You mean everything to me,

You fill my heart with love and happiness,

You have given my soul solace and completeness,

You enlighten me with your divine energy,

You hold my hand and walk me to the path to humanity,

I dream more and more with you, and,

Each one of my dream is equally important to you,

You bring all my dreams to existence,

You converge my efforts to my destinations,

You call me with different names,
Each name highlights my personality and attributes,

You stand by me every time i seek for you,

You caresses me like a child, a lover and wife of you,

You keep all your promises, no matter what happens,
I am your topmost priority and you have gained my respect,

You are the one i am getting older with,
You are my life and you are the one i want to die with !!!