Monday, April 20, 2015

You are mine ... !!!

O my beloved, You are my world to me,
You mean everything to me,

You fill my heart with love and happiness,

You have given my soul solace and completeness,

You enlighten me with your divine energy,

You hold my hand and walk me to the path to humanity,

I dream more and more with you, and,

Each one of my dream is equally important to you,

You bring all my dreams to existence,

You converge my efforts to my destinations,

You call me with different names,
Each name highlights my personality and attributes,

You stand by me every time i seek for you,

You caresses me like a child, a lover and wife of you,

You keep all your promises, no matter what happens,
I am your topmost priority and you have gained my respect,

You are the one i am getting older with,
You are my life and you are the one i want to die with !!!

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